Friday, February 26, 2016

The Donald’s Odds Against Hillary

The Donald’s Odds Against Hillary

Coulter: Talking Head Twit of the Year Contest

Coulter: Talking Head Twit of the Year Contest:
The cluelessness of the GOP pundit class is infuriating, but may ultimately be our salvation. Nothing they say about anything is ever right, even accidentally. 
This is making the TV news shows resemble Monty Python's 'Upperclass Twit of the Year' contest. The twits don't notice the starting gun, run into one another, fall down, run themselves over with their own cars and, then, the remaining contestants all shoot themselves in the head.

Michael Ramirez - Closing GITMO

Michael Ramirez

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why Rubio can't win - Dick Morris

Why Rubio can't win - Dick Morris

Gullible Americans - Walter Williams

Gullible Americans - Walter Williams

Note:  This is exactly why I have requested from my son and his wife and Mother to PLEASE take a half hour out of your day for current events!      G. Darby

Michael Ramirez - Supreme Court

Michael Ramirez

Prager: Male Sexual Nature and the Left’s Culture of Denial

Prager: Male Sexual Nature and the Left’s Culture of Denial:
On New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, more than 400 German women were sexually attacked and at least three raped by gangs of male immigrants, most of them from Arab countries.

There are two truths that need to be confronted, but because we live in the Age of Denial of Unpleasant Truths, they won’t be. One is the denial of the low view of women in the Arab Middle East and many other parts of the Muslim world. This denial is the product of multiculturalist moral relativism, which posits that no culture or value system is morally superior to any other.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Prager: ‘White Privilege’: Part II in a Series of Widely Held Beliefs That Are Either Untrue or Meaningless

Prager: ‘White Privilege’: Part II in a Series of Widely Held Beliefs That Are Either Untrue or Meaningless:
A pillar of contemporary leftism is the notion of “white privilege.” Given that a generation of high school and college students are being taught that a great number of “unearned privileges” accrue to white Americans — the charge of white privilege demands rational inquiry.

The assertion turns out to be largely meaningless. And more significantly, it does great harm to blacks.

The Lure of Socialism - Thomas Sowell

The Lure of Socialism - Thomas Sowell

Clinton and Sanders and Progressivism - Walter Williams

Clinton and Sanders and Progressivism - Walter Williams

Border Surge Solution: Send 'Em to Camp David! - Michelle Malkin

Border Surge Solution: Send 'Em to Camp David! - Michelle Malkin

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Monday, February 15, 2016

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Notes After New Hampshire - Mark Steyn

Notes After New Hampshire - Mark Steyn

Meet Your New Favorite Police Chief

Meet Your New Favorite Police Chief:
Move over David Clarke, there's a new sheriff in town -- well, a police chief, actually -- and he is bound to become a new favorite for many.

BLUE ANGELS - Insane Footage Takes You Inside the Cockpit

Coulter: Heroin - Blame it on America

Coulter: Heroin - Blame it on America:
Any politician who claims to care about the drug overdose deaths sweeping the nation, but does not demand that we build a wall, deport illegal aliens and end the anchor baby scam, is a liar. 
In 2014, more people died from drug overdoses than any year in U.S. history: 47,055. That's more than die in car accidents -- and it's not even close. 
This is a huge, horrible problem -- and it's a problem caused entirely by the fact that Mexico is on our southern border.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Saudi Singer on Egyptian TV Criticizes Radical Islam, Defends the West - Larry Elder

Saudi Singer on Egyptian TV Criticizes Radical Islam, Defends the West - Larry Elder

In search of fixes for a fossilized economy - Victor Davis Hanson

In search of fixes for a fossilized economy - Victor Davis Hanson

Limbaugh: Cruz Has Got to be Your Guy - Closest to Reagan

Limbaugh: Cruz 'Has Got to Be Your Guy' – 'Closest to Reagan'

By: Newsmax Wires
With conservatives across the country facing a critical decision whether to back Donald Trump, top radio talker Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday that true conservatives have no choice but to vote for Ted Cruz.

Limbaugh told his radio audience, "If conservatism is your bag, if conservatism is the dominating factor in how you vote, there is no other choice for you in this campaign than Ted Cruz…."

Limbaugh gave his powerful imprimatur to Cruz by adding, "This [Ted Cruz] is the closest in our lifetimes we have ever been to Ronald Reagan."

Cruz has finished first in Iowa caucuses, but performed, not unexpectedly, poorly in New Hampshire, coming in third place behind Trump and Gov. Kasich.

Now the election turns to South Carolina and a slew of southern states that will vote on Super Tuesday in March.

Soon, the Cruz campaign believes that his strong conservative and evangelical backing will put him ahead of GOP front-runner Donald Trump.

Limbaugh described Trump as a non-ideological candidate.

"Trump's not a Republican; he's not a Democrat," he said.

"He's running as a Republican, but he's way beyond any of this. His definition of conservatism was we're gonna conserve. We're gonna conserve our money. We're gonna conserve our whatever…. Donald Trump is not an ideological candidate. He doesn't look, for example, at Chuck Schumer and see a screaming liberal. And, by the same token, he doesn't look at Ted Cruz and see a screaming conservative."

Limbaugh praised Trump for creating a broad, new coalition of voters and turning the political system upside down, but offered little doubt about his own political leanings.

"This is not a criticism of Trump. But for those of you that conservatism's the answer and conservatism is the way, you have no choice here. Ted Cruz has got to be your guy. There's nobody even close. Nobody."

With War in Afghanistan over, Army prepares to send Infantry Battalion to Helmand Province.

With War in Afghanistan over, Army prepares to send Infantry Battalion to Helmand Province.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Is a new era for America upon us?

Is a new era for America upon us?

Michael Ramirez - Drowning

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez - Hillary's Match

Michael Ramirez

Random Thoughts: Thomas Sowell

Random thoughts on the passing scene:
Will this November's presidential election come down to a choice between a felon and a pied piper?
People who call Barack Obama a lame duck president seem not to have noticed that he is exercising more power than ever, and has turned the Republican Congress into a lame duck branch of government.
The best New Year's Resolution I ever made was to stop trying to reason with unreasonable people. That may be especially valuable during an election year.
With 4 of the 9 Supreme Court justices being more than 75 years old, the next president will probably be appointing replacements who can help determine the direction of American law well into the next generation. This is just one of the many very serious things that we can only hope the voters keep in mind, instead of voting on the basis of just one issue or on emotions.
Among the common phrases of the past that we seldom hear today is "None of your business." Apparently everything is other people's business these days, including the media's business and the government's business.
In this scientific age, it is amazing how many people act as if magic words can make realities vanish. For example, they talk as if behavioral differences between groups can be made to disappear by saying the magic word, "stereotypes." This fallacy affects everything from statistical claims of discrimination to admitting refugees with cultures hostile to our own.
After a famous naval victory in the War of 1812, Commodore O.H. Perry reported: "We have met the enemy and they are ours." After the Republican Congressional majority's repeated capitulations to the Democrats' minority, Congressional Republicans could say, "We have met the enemy and we are theirs."
The central non sequitur of the political left is that, because America has never lived up to its ideals, it is to be condemned and repudiated. But what society of human beings has ever lived up to all its ideals? Despite all its achievements, America is condemned by the left because it is not exempt from all the sins and failings found in societies around the world.
One of the apparently immortal fallacies is the belief that disarming peaceful people reduces violence. That fallacy underlies both national disarmament and gun control within nations.
In trying to come up with alternatives to the welfare state, even some staunch conservatives have created plans that exempt low-income people from paying taxes, or plans that provide some basic income to all, making it unnecessary to work. But exempting anyone from responsibility and reciprocity as members of society risks disaster for those individuals and for society.
Egalitarians never seem to understand that promoting economic equality in theory means promoting resentments and polarization in practice, making everyone worse off.
It is corruption if an elected official uses his office to get money for himself or for someone else. But judges can fine someone to pay a donation to some organization that the judge favors. Typically these are organizations on the left. But I am sure the left would see the problem if a conservative judge forced people to donate money to the National Rifle Association.
Someone is always parading statistics showing that some small number of people at the top of the income scale have more than some larger number of people at the bottom. But would we be better off if people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had never created things that widened our access to opportunities and enriched our lives, just because it also enriched theirs?
Some people are surprised at how many young people look favorably on socialism. But socialism is a wonderful-sounding idea. Those who have lived through the era of its disasters in the 20th century, or learned about them from history, are likely to see through the appearances to the reality. A young age prevents the former and our dumbed-down education prevents the latter.
A biographer of Herbert Hoover said that he was a great man but not a great president. Had he never become president, Hoover's greatness in other areas would still be remembered today. But his wrong economic moves as president were amplified by his successor, and mired the country in a decade of tragedy. Great achievements in other areas are no reason to make someone president.