Friday, May 27, 2016

Clinton Cash Author: Hill's Story Keeps Changing

Clinton Cash Author: Hill's Story Keeps Changing:
One of the key people researching and exposing the many problems with Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate says that when it comes to her email scandal, there is little that has not shifted as Clinton tells the story.

Peter Schweitzer, the author of Clinton Cash, told Bill Hemmer on Fox News as much after reading the deposition of a long time State Department information technology staffer:

'Here is the problem, the Clinton’s story keeps changing and it just doesn’t make sense,' Schweitzer said.

Michael Ramirez - Feedbag

Michael Ramirez

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

And This, My Friends, Is Why the Second Amendment Needs to Be Protected

And This, My Friends, Is Why the Second Amendment Needs to Be Protected:
Two homeowners staved off near-certain execution at the hands of robbers Monday night for one reason and one reason only: they are lawful gun owners who aren't afraid to shoot their assailants.

Obama’s scheme to make Uncle Joe president

Obama’s scheme to make Uncle Joe president

You Are What You Say You Are - Walter Williams

You Are What You Say You Are - Walter Williams

Enough with Hollywood's Pendulous Boobery - Michelle Malkin

Enough with Hollywood's Pendulous Boobery - Michelle Malkin

Michael Ramirez - Facebook

Michael Ramirez

Black Trump Executive Shares a Powerful Message

You May Need to cut and paste ....Well Worth It!

Monday, May 23, 2016

A revolutionary year in America - Newt Gingrich

A revolutionary year in America - Newt Gingrich

How Trump can quiet conservative angst

How Trump can quiet conservative angst: With 23 weeks until Election Day, Donald Trump — the unlikeliest, most unconventional nominee of a major party in modern times — faces two challenges.
The first is to rally the 30 percent of the GOP faithful who remain at least reluctant to rally to his banner; the second is to lower his unfavorable ratings among the general electorate. (Gallup's numbers from last week led the polling giant to remark that Trump has a significantly more negative image than has been the norm for his party's nominees at this point in recent campaigns, and that the relative lack of enthusiasm for Trump among his own party may not be his biggest challenge to winning the presidency — twice as many Americans overall have an unfavorable (60 percent) as a favorable (34 percent) opinion of him.).

Is Scarborough Shoal Worth a War?

Is Scarborough Shoal Worth a War?

Friday, May 20, 2016

"Understanding Donald Trump" From The Washington Times, by Newt Gingrich

Donald Trump is a genuine phenomenon.  He may or may not become the Republican nominee for president.  He may or may not win the presidency even if he becomes the nominee.  Yet it is clear that he is a phenomenon and that any history of the 2016 presidential race will have to spend a good bit of time analyzing Trump and his impact.
 From the time he announced on June 16, Trump has dominated social and mainstream media.   He dominates the conversation despite the lack of paid advertising.  Trump says outrageous things and his supporters shrug it off. At every turn, his poll numbers continue to rise.
 As a step toward understanding this amazing performance, I spent part of the Christmas break reading his first bestseller, ‘The Art of the Deal’.  Written in 1987, this book is a classic among American business books and has influenced a generation of entrepreneurs.  Trump wrote ‘The Art of the Deal’ when he was 41 years old and having a successful run.   The book’s popularity contributed to Time Magazine’s decision to feature Donald Trump on its cover in January 1989.
 The portrait that emerges from this easy-to-read and remarkably interesting book is of an aggressive, ambitious person who is constantly pushing, constantly learning, and always seeking the next challenge.  Reporters and analysts who are trying to understand Trump would be well served by slowing down and reading this nearly three-decade-old bestseller.
 They would discover that Donald Trump has developed a remarkable set of rules and principles that allow him to make decisions with incredible speed.  Trump knows a lot, but what is amazing is how rapidly he figures out what he doesn’t know.

My favorite story is of the Wollman Skating Rink in New York’s Central Park.
 The Wollman Rink was a heavily used public skating rink which had fallen into disrepair in 1980.  New York City tried for six years to fix it, spent $13 million, and the rink still was not ready to open.  In June of 1986 Trump, who could see the rink from his apartment, finally got tired of the embarrassment and offered to fix the rink at his own expense.  At first the city turned him down because its bureaucracy did not want to be embarrassed by someone fixing something they couldn’t fix. Trump kept pushing and finally out of embarrassment the city gave in.
The key part of the story is Trump’s reaction to being put in charge. He promptly recognized that he didn’t know anything about fixing a skating rink. He asked himself who built a lot of skating rinks. “Canadians!” he concluded. He found the best Canadian ice skating rink construction company.  When the Canadians flew in to assess the situation, they were amazed at how bad the city had been at solving the problem. They assured Trump that this was an easy job.  Trump fixed the six year embarrassment two months ahead of schedule and nearly $800,000 under-budget. (The city did end up paying for the work, and Trump donated the profits to charity.)
After reading this chapter you begin to think that maybe Donald Trump really could build a wall along our southern border for a lot less than our current government estimates.
 ‘The Art of the Deal’ is filled with stories like this — stories of common sense stories of calculated risk taking, and stories of innovation and marketing. Anyone who would like to better understand Donald Trump would be helped by reading this remarkable book.
 Another is his pledges and I have no way of knowing if he will make good on all of them but I do agree with all of them.  Trump is the only candidate that is serious about building "The Wall"! Two other important pledges Trump has made that no other candidate of either party has matched! First deportation of millions of illegals that are demanding and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars and second Closing 34 Muslim training camps throughout our country!   I WOULD LIKE TRUMP OR ANY OTHER CANDIDATES PLEDGE TO REINSTATE ANY AND ALL MILITARY OFFICERS DISCHARGED BECAUSE THEY DISAGREED WITH OBAMA OR HIS POLICIES!!

Here is another that kind of wraps up my feelings about Trump
 Raccoon's in your basement!    An interesting analogy.
You've been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoon's.   Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoon's have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately so you hire a guy. A pro.   You don't care if the guy smells, you need those raccoon's gone pronto and he's the guy to do it!  You don't care if the guy swears, you don't care if he's an alcoholic, you don't care how many times he's been married, you don't care if he voted for Obama, you don't care if he has plumber's crack... you simply want those raccoon's gone!
You want your problem fixed!  He's the guy.  He's the best. Period. That's why we need Trump.  Yes he's a bit of an ass, yes he's an egomaniac, but you don't care.
 The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two-faced & gutless, illegal's are everywhere. You want it all fixed! You don't care that Trump is crude, you don't care that he insults people, you don't care that he had been friendly with Hillary, you don't care that he has changed positions, you don't care that he's been married 3 times, you don't care that he fights with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O'Donnell,  you don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslin terrorist,... this country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal's, we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hamad is a special interest group with special rights to a point where we don't even recognize the country we were born and raised in;  “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
 You're sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, Republican Party, and sick of illegal's. You just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but doesn't have any lobbyist money influencing him, he doesn't have political correctness restraining him, all you know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he's also not a politician, so he's not a cowardly politician.  And he says he'll fix it. You don't care if the guy has bad hair. You just want those raccoon's gone. Out of your house!

'Ferguson Effect' Is Real, and It Threatens to Harm Black Americans Most - Michael Barone

'Ferguson Effect' Is Real, and It Threatens to Harm Black Americans Most - Michael Barone

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Friday, May 13, 2016

Michael Ramirez - Kim

Michael Ramirez

Syrian refugees ‘sneaked’ into communities across America

Syrian refugees ‘sneaked’ into communities across America

New Report Shows Nearly 200,000 Criminal Aliens Arrested in Texas Since 2011

New Report Shows Nearly 200,000 Criminal Aliens Arrested in Texas Since 2011

Scott Baio to Paul Ryan: Get Behind Trump

Scott Baio to Paul Ryan: Get Behind Trump:
Actor Scott Baio is 'fed up' with the way the Republican Party has handled the rise of Donald Trump to become the GOP nominee for president.

In an interview with Fox News Thursday, the former Happy Days star ripped into Speaker Paul Ryan for withholding his endorsement of Trump, despite clear evidence that the latter has become the nominee.

A List of The Donald's Presidential Goals

1.  Build Southern Border wall and allow LEGAL immigration ONLY.
2.  End Sanctuary cities.
3   Immediately deport criminal illegal aliens (once they have served their prison terms).
4.  Have temporary ban on Muslims.
5.  Create safe zones in Syria.
6.  Take care of Veterans.
7.  Support of ALL law enforcement, with heavy emphasis on Border Patrol Agents.
8.  End "common core."
9.  Fix failing education by minimizing the Federal DOE, Transferring the bulk of responsibiliy to the States.
10. Negotiate FAIR trade deals with our allies.
11. Bring back GOOD American jobs.
12. Energy Independence.
13. Balance Budget and eliminate waste (perhaps a Gingrich task.)
14. Fix broken political system (this may take .longer than 8 years!)
15.  Rebuild infrastructure.
16.   Restore U. S. military to healthy levels.
17.  Bomb the shit out of ISIS! (Trumps words)
18.  Protect our 2nd Amendment.
19.  Repeal and Replace Obamacare  
20.  Make pro-life Law (Supreme Court repeal Roe v. Wade)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Anonymous - Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

Trump or Ryan: Who Speaks for GOP?

Trump or Ryan: Who Speaks for GOP?

The Citadel Says No to Prospective Student Wearing Hijab

The Citadel Says No to Prospective Student Wearing Hijab:
The Citadel has said it will not allow a prospective student to wear the hijab, a Muslim headscarf. The student's family is considering legal action against the school.

Michael Ramirez- Good News

Michael Ramirez

Building a Republican Party for the future - Newt Gingrich

Building a Republican Party for the future - Newt Gingrich

Elites can afford to support looser immigration policies - Victor Davis Hanson

Elites can afford to support looser immigration policies - Victor Davis Hanson

Bernie Sanders destroys Hillary Clinton in debate on Vermont gun laws

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Who Promoted Private Ryan?

Who Promoted Private Ryan?

South Carolina Military College Refuses Muslim Hijab as Part of Uniform

South Carolina Military College Refuses Muslim Hijab as Part of Uniform:
South Carolina's military college, The Citadel, has announced that it will not bend to a request made by a Muslim enrollee to wear her hijab as it would go against the required uniform for cadets.

On Tuesday, school president Lieutenant General John Rosa said of the decision, 'Uniformity is the cornerstone of this four-year leader development model.'

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Is Trump America’s knight in shining armor?

Is Trump America’s knight in shining armor?


Friday, May 6, 2016

Cruz, Trump, Ryan: The Unimagined Week

Presidential election dynamics, calendar change
 - - Friday, May 6, 2016
No one imagined three days ago that a month would disappear from the campaign calendar.
The morning of the Indiana primary virtually everyone assumed there would be a fight for the GOP nomination at least to June 7, when California, New Jersey and several other states vote.
Many thought the contest could go on after June 7 because Donald Trump might still be a few delegates short.
Some hoped there would be a contested convention in July.
Suddenly, Tuesday night, Senator Ted Cruz cut either one or two months out of the calendar.
In a very wise, realistic step he suspended his candidacy. This allows him to avoid a month of negativity. It will serve him well. He leaves the race a much bigger, stronger figure than when he entered. He is plausibly a candidate for the Presidency in 2020 if Trump loses. (Actually, Cruz is so young he is plausibly a candidate for President in 2040). He has the name recognition and financial network to become a future governor of our second biggest state. He would be a superb choice to fill the Scalia role on the Supreme Court. He can now take some time to think long and hard about his future.
The Cruz decision had a big effect on both Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan.
First, the Trump team was focused on winning the nomination. They were consumed by delegate hunts, future primaries, and winning a convention with a lot of opposition trying to stop them.
Suddenly the Trump team has had to shift direction, focus, and scale.
Trump himself has to move from an enthusiastic gladiator fighting Republican rivals to a national leader seeking to unify both the party and the country. The shift has been huge and sudden. It will take weeks to complete.
Second, Speaker Ryan represents a serious, policy oriented Washington based approach that is somewhere between skeptical and hostile about the Trump candidacy.
On the morning of the Indiana primary the Washington policy Republicans still had hopes of a contested convention. Most thought that, at a minimum, they had six or seven more weeks to negotiate with Trump as he tried to win the last few delegates.
In some ways the Cruz withdrawal was the worst possible world for Washington policy Republicans.
Suddenly, Trump was unchallengeable. He was the nominee. None of the reconciliation and communication process had occurred.
Furthermore, by winning so early and so decisively, the Washington policy Republicans feared there was a very real chance Trump would now wander off into whatever policy inventions and maneuvers he wanted to.
Speaker Ryan was looking for a maneuver to slow down the Trump consolidation of power and force a negotiated dialogue toward some kind of accommodation between two very different set of policy goals.
Ryan's Thursday statement that he could not yet endorse Trump was dangerous. It was also in some ways a demonstration of fear and weakness.
Faced with an amazing avalanche of personal victories for Trump, Ryan apparently felt he needed a big enough event to get Trump's attention.
This is a very dangerous game.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is correctly trying to develop party unity now that there is a nominee.
Ryan's statement may have been given a bigger play because of the same day announcement by the two Bush Presidents and Mitt Romney that they would not endorse Trump or attend the convention.
As someone who supported all three for President it was a bit outrageous to have them suddenly wiser and purer than millions of Republican voters. It is fine to have them skip Cleveland which ought to be focused on the future not the past. It is not acceptable to have them desert the party which made them national figures.
Hopefully Ryan and Trump will work through to an accommodation in the next week or so.
Running for president is hard.
Governing is even harder.
This is just one more bump on a road that Trump has triumphantly been on for a year. There will be a lot more bumps and his ability to solve them will determine if he becomes President.
Ryan also faces the challenge of leading a House GOP which could rapidly split into unmanageable factions.
There is a lot at stake.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Protestors have so jumped the shark - Victor Davis Hanson

Protestors have so jumped the shark - Victor Davis Hanson

Michael Ramirez - Virtue and Morality

Michael Ramirez

General Dunford's Letter of Resignation/Retirement

Finally--a leading general who tells it just as it it.  An excellent read.  

Finally. Straight talk from a true patriot. A heartfelt Semper Fi to Gen Dunford!!!

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, in concern for the lives of current and future US military personnel and to honor those who have gone before, I must speak to the nation today.
I’ve called this press conference to announce that I am resigning as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and I am retiring after 39 years on active duty, which included combat service in Iraq leading the finest Marines in the world.

I am resigning as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and retiring from the Marine Corps for the following reasons:
For the last seven years during the Obama Administration:
I have watched and remained silent as hundreds of senior officers were forced to resign or were forcibly retired because of their disagreements with the current policies wrecking the military.
I have watched and remained silent as people who have never served a day in uniform laid siege to the glorious traditions of the US military.
I have watched and remained silent as male ROTC cadets paraded in red high heels, male soldiers conducted physical training wearing pregnancy simulators, combat units dealt with breastfeeding and lactation issues in the field and sensitivity training became the standard operating procedure of the US military.
I have watched and remained silent as trans-genders were authorized to serve in the ranks, and three females graduated from the US Army Ranger School, under what I believe are the most dubious of circumstances.
My predecessors in the JCS chose to look the other way, and like Pontius Pilate, wash their hands of these egregious affairs.
My predecessors in the JCS were more concerned about their careers than about the welfare of the nation and the troops they led every day.
Now the final nail in the coffin of the US military has been hammered in. On April 1, 2016, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, with the full backing of the President of the United States, authorized the legal inclusion of women in the combat arms branches and special operations units of the United States Armed Forces.
In good conscience, I can no longer remain silent. The stakes are too high for this nation and for the women in the US military who, I believe will be greatly harmed by their inclusion in the combat arms and special operations.
I can no longer watch the US military be annihilated. While many have chosen to sit on the sidelines, I must step forth and report to the nation concerning the mortal danger the US military is in tonight because of its commander in chief, President Barack Obama and his cabinet and advisers.

The evidence against women in direct combat from the Center for Military Readiness and the Marine Corps’ 36 million dollar, 9 month study and the performance of women at the Marine Infantry Officers Basic Course is overwhelming. Yet, the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Army refuse to acknowledge that the evidence even exists.
It does exist and it indicates that while women perform spectacularly in 80% of the jobs in the military, the combat arms and special operations should be closed to them; permanently.
Women are simply prone to more injuries than men, have less muscle mass, do not have the upper body strength, the same aerobic lung capacity and the aggressiveness to fulfill the military’s combat readiness requirements and missions.
The so-called experts often say that women have already served in combat. In the last two conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, females did engage the enemy and many performed heroically and beyond the call of duty. But, returning fire during a military police security operation is not the same as being in a combat arms unit that has the mission of finding, fixing and killing the enemy. That is like comparing Pop Warner Football with the NFL.
Reality says that women serving in the combat arms and special operations is not just a bad idea, but a horrific decision that puts this nation in mortal danger.
The President and the Secretary of Defense are not dealing with reality, but with a feminist based fantasy based on false premises of gender neutrality. They see the world the way they want it to be, not the way it is. These policies are based on the illusion that genders are neutral and that none of this will affect the military’s readiness, esprit de corps and ability to wage and win wars.
There is no gender neutrality on a battlefield.
It is the responsibility of America’s military leaders to protect the nation and to obey the lawful orders of those appointed above us. But, our military leaders are not martinets. There is no Fuehrerprinzip in America. An order is not just an order. The nation’s military leaders have a moral duty to inform our elected officials when policies they support and implement are destructive to the nation itself.
Silence is not golden. It is pure and unadulterated moral cowardice.
Congress also has a duty to protect the nation and to insure that the military is strong and readiness is maintained. On the issue of women in combat, Congress has been full of sound and fury, while signifying nothing. Except for a few concerned veterans like Senator John McCain and Congressman Duncan Hunter, Congress has remained silent because a majority of Congress has never served and is largely ignorant of the issue itself.
I cannot in good conscience promote policies that will order American women, ages 18 – 26 to register and be eligible for a military draft which could place them in combat arms units in wartime.
I cannot in good conscience serve as the highest ranking military member of the US military, when I am completely at odds with the social engineering directives emanating from the Secretary of Defense and the President.
The military has one sole mission. That is to wage war and to vanquish the enemies of this nation on land, on the seas and in the air. It must never be used as a social engineering project by naïve and uninformed politicians and lobbyists.
As the military prepares for this cataclysmic change, the enemies of this nation are lining up against us. They know that this is a lose, lose situation for us and a win, win situation for them. They know that we are now going to wage war with a much weaker force and that our readiness is withering by the hour.

It is very possible that the United States of America may never win another war. I do not believe this is hyperbole. I believe this is a fact.
The fate of the republic hangs in mortal jeopardy. I pray that my successor and a new President elected in 2016 have the courage and the wisdom to amend the policies that might very well destroy this great nation I have served for nearly four decades.
I bid you farewell. Semper Fi.