Friday, September 29, 2017

'Limp-wristed libs' have ruined football

Editor’s note: Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady is a recipient of the United States military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. He is former president of the Medal of Honor Society.
Echoing many media-phobic NFL owners, Robert Kraft, in defending football players’ disrespect of our veterans and our country, said, “There is no greater unifier in this country than sports, and unfortunately, nothing more divisive than politics.” He was responding to President Trump, who denounced divisive, pampered millionaires insulting and disrespecting our flag, our veterans and our people. And Trump, by defending our flag, our veterans and our country, is divisive?
Kraft spoke on behalf of a team called the Patriots. A Patriot is one who defends and supports his country. As Trump did. Kraft, unbelievably, defends anti-patriotic players, who have not invested one drop of blood for our freedoms, in their disrespect for those who died for their freedom. His team needs to change its name. If sports are unifying and politics divisive, nothing can be more divisive than sports becoming political.
But football has more problems than players and owners who hate our country. It is a dying sport. In my judgment, it was once the most American of all our sports, emblematic of our motto: E Pluribus Unum. You have a group of people of diverse talents joined by merit, not race or privilege, united as a team for one goal. It epitomized the toughness, diversity, ingenuity, fortitude and togetherness that made our country great. Alas, the limp-wristed liberals are ruining it.
What is happening in football is happening to sports in general and is a reflection of how wimpy we are as a people. It has been my great honor to know heroes from World War I until today. Those guys were tough, brutally honest and would have scorned any notion of political correctness. I have noticed a softness over the generations, probably a function of our obsession with comfort, which Kahlil Gibran called “that stealthy thing that enters the house as a guest, then becomes host, and finally master. ” Whatever the reason, we are becoming wimps. Can you imagine men like Ty Cobb or Honus Wagner wearing a glove to protect their pinkies from that cruel hard bat? Or Johnny Unitas complaining because he was thrown to the ground?
Consider what has happened to football. They have taken the punt return, once the most exciting play in football, out of the game. The great open-field runners of the past have been replaced by out-of-bounds runners, often to avoid a hit. The purpose of any play is to gain yards by hitting people. Not one single yard was ever gained out of bounds.
In the past every player on the field was subject to the same rules. Now some players are more equal/valuable than others and subject to the Hillary rule: the rules don’t apply to them. Quarterbacks and receivers are as pad-protected as any other player – so why can’t they be hit like any other player? Many penalties are undefinable and decided by camera. There is a penalty flag on virtually every other play. The referees huddle more than the teams and often actually decide game outcomes. God help us if the race fascists discover that the referee in charge wears a white hat and the lesser referees wears black. And are their shirts black on white or white on black?
Combine all this with the ridiculous, obscene and juvenile gyrations of grown men celebrating how wonderful they are all over the field, and it is easy to see why fans are turning off.
I have heard all the medical stuff and understand. But the bottom line is wimpiness. If we don’t turn it around sooner or later, anti-wimps, who are not as comfortable as we are, will eat our lunch. I have never met a more dedicated sports fan than myself, but for the first time I switched channels when I saw millionaires disrespecting our country. (Tragically, many of these anti-patriots are blacks egged on by liberal Democrats who enslaved their ancestors and sponsored Jim Crow and segregation.)
I will never watch another game where any player denounces our country, our veterans and the blood they shed for all our freedoms.

Ramirez - Flag Protest

Ramirez - Weiner

Monday, September 11, 2017

That sound you hear is the Trump boom arriving - Stephen Moore

That sound you hear is the Trump boom arriving - Stephen Moore

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi - Mark Steyn

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi - Mark Steyn

This man is the only politician who cares

Thank God that Trump is president in these times.
As America deals with major natural disasters in Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the people can find comfort knowing President Trump is at the helm, and emergency responders (including even FEMA) are functioning well.
I shudder to think of the mess we’d be in had Hillary been in charge.
President Trump is the only politician who truly loves the people, including black people.
ABC News reporter Elex Michaelson noted that the president made “a surprise visit to one of Houston’s largest Harvey evacuation centers. Several of the storm’s survivors told me that his visit lifted their spirits and brought them hope. One [black woman] said, ‘I had a different opinion of him; now I think he’s a wonderful man.'”
This is exactly what the mainstream media and Trump’s opponents don’t want: blacks and others whom they misled finding out that he is sincere, compassionate and capable.
But one Hispanic 12-year-old girl at the Houston center, Savannah Vargas, cried and refused to talk to the president, angry about “what he said about Mexicans and undocumented immigrants.”
When asked if she talked to him about those things, she sobbed: “No because I don’t want to talk to him. I’m just very angry at him.”
Instead of taking the opportunity to clear up her misconception, she judged him. She missed her moment.
How unfortunate that the media and politicians have reviled Donald Trump for telling the truth about our immigration problems – and that this girl’s parent or someone else she looks up to would brainwash her. At 12 years old, she has no business holding such judgment against a good man.
But this is the corruption of so many young people’s minds – especially blacks, Hispanics and other “minorities” – pushed in schools, media and homes.
We’re facing a crisis deeper and more destructive to people’s lives than any hurricane. For decades, the government has brought in illegal aliens and others who hate our freedom and rule of law. The government has attacked our country’s Christian values, and it has advanced the destruction of children and families. These things affect all people, but especially blacks.
We’ve seen the rise of anger among young people who lack love and common sense – with Black Lives Matter, antifa, MS-13, illegal-alien supporters, the Women’s March and some white nationalists. They hate and reject the weakness of their parents, and of establishment politicians. But in their anger, they cannot see the right way to go; they cannot see they’re destroying themselves.
Since before he was elected, President Trump understood and expressed the “big problems” in our country more clearly and forcefully than anyone else in leadership. He expressed love for the people.
Until Trump, black issues were not on the table, except to promote evil – Americans are called “racist” when they oppose evil. But no one else cares or talks about black unemployment or violence in communities.
Immigration hurts blacks first. They face crime and competition for jobs, education and services “immigrants” bring.
Thankfully, the president took one step in ending DACA – Barack Obama’s unconstitutional executive order to allow roughly 900,000 illegal aliens who came here as “children” to stay in the country.
DACA is rife with fraud and abuse (former U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services manager Matt O’Brien estimated 40 to 50 percent fraud rate), while 98 percent of DACA applicants were accepted. Over 2,100 “dreamers” had their protected status revoked due to gang affiliation, or being suspected or convicted of a felony. Breitbart News reported more than 39,000 obtained legal status through a DACA loophole, and more than 1,000 naturalized.
Judicial Watch discovered that Obama bypassed security background checks in vetting illegals under DACA. A whistleblower revealed Obama’s deputies knowingly released MS-13 gang members into our communities – the so-called “unaccompanied alien children.” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said 68 percent of the 200,000 illegal alien “children” entering the U.S. between 2012 to 2016 were 15, 16 or 17, and majority male – presumably many with no fathers, prime targets for gang recruitment.
But the liberal media trot out emotional cases like so-called “dreamer” Karen Caudillo, a young illegal who says she’s a business owner and a junior in college. She tearfully worried about her own future and that of younger DACA recipients: “I’m going to be sent back to a country that I’ve never been to, and I’m going to lose every opportunity that I have.”
Wicked former President Barack Obama called President Trump “cruel.”
President Trump is like a father dealing with children spoiled by their mother. When the government gives people what they don’t deserve (whether DACA, welfare or Obamacare), and a real man comes in to take it away, the people cry and blame the man doing what’s right. They don’t blame themselves, their parents or corrupt politicians for ill-gotten gain – which destroys immigrants’ character. But they cry “racism” and call the good man “wrong.” What a setup!
The more the president talks directly with the people, the more they will see he’s on their side. Only Trump cares about all Americans enough to do what’s right.