by William Gheen
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
April 25, 2012
Citizen activists committed to defending American jobs, taxpayer resources, sovereignty, and lives are issuing a call today. More Americans are needed to get involved in efforts to spread Arizona's and Alabama's state level illegal immigration 'enforcement only' legislation to every state in America if the US Supreme Court does rule in favor of Arizona's SB 1070.
The US Supreme Court takes up the case of Arizona's historic legislation, which is designed to mirror existing federal laws dealing with illegal immigration. The Obama administration, the nation of Mexico, and a constellation of illegal alien sponsoring nations have sued to stop Arizona from allowing local police to enforce immigration law. This measure is supported by 81% of Americans according to a Zogby America Poll conducted in 2005. Only 14% of Americans disagree according to the poll.
Two recent polls show overwhelming support for state level immigration enforcement and Arizona's historic illegal immigration fighting laws even after the biased global corporate media has attacked the law and the law's backers viciously for the past two years. Still, after two years of siege by dictator Barack Obama, MSNBC, CBS, and most of the liberal daily newspapers like the New York Times and Los Angeles Times, the new polls show America stands strong behind Arizona.
Power To The People
Rasmussen Reports found back in February of 2011 that 67% of Americans say states should be able to enforce immigration laws if the feds are not. Just 22% disagree (3 to 1 margin). Eighty-seven percent (87%) of Republicans and 74% of voters not affiliated with either major party say states should have the right to enforce immigration laws if they believe the federal government is not doing the job.
Daily Caller headlines announced this week that "Americans overwhelmingly support the Arizona immigration law" in response to the new Quinnipiac University poll released April 20, 2012, which asked 2,577 registered voters nationwide whether they support Arizona’s immigration law, S.B. 1070, passed in 2010. Sixty-eight percent of respondents said they approved of the law while 27 percent said they disapproved of it.
A Fox News poll, also released on April 20, shows 65 percent of voters favor the controversial law, while 31 percent oppose it.
Get In Formation With American Defenders
ALIPAC is asking American citizens who are concerned about illegal immigration to join our e-mail alerts list at Help us saturate all state level lawmakers with copies of these poll results along with encouragement and political support for each state to follow the lead of the illegal immigration crackdown legislation recently passed in Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, Utah, Indiana and South Carolina.
While the Supreme Court may not rule on Arizona's law until this summer, we need more support for our 40,000 national supporters, who are engaged in this issue. Our e-mail alerts combined with our Facebook and Twitter posts are how we organize Americans into successful strategies against illegal immigration and Amnesty.
It is time to prime the political pump in expectation of a favorable ruling from the US Supreme Court. We can only hope and pray that the the court remains immune to the globalist financial interests that have so many traitorous politicians supporting the illegal alien invasion of America above the needs and desires of American citizens. Each activist needs to know the full contact information for their state representatives, how to communicate with every state lawmaker in their state, and how to go ahead and make contact sharing this polling information.
Would the US Supreme Court dare to slight 68% of the American populace by siding with Obama and Mexico against the citizens and the U.S. Constitution they serve? We hope not.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC was the first national organization to call for citizen activists to begin spreading the news about Arizona's law to other states. We launched this strategy when Arizona came under attack. We helped defend Arizona, create multiple targets for the Obama administration to address, and to get the illegal aliens on the run from as many states as possible.
While this strategy was initially successful and ALIPAC played a strong role in helping to pass enhanced versions of Arizona's law in several other states, momentum has stalled in the last 6 months as many states have taken a wait and see posture regarding the US Supreme Court ruling on this matter.
We are now preparing for rapid advance across the nation if the supremes go our way. California, Texas, Florida, help is on the way!
The Illegal Aliens Are Fleeing America
Current news reports and studies released this week indicate that our efforts at ALIPAC as part of a the broader immigration enforcement political movement in America, combined with these new state laws and combined with the poor US economy, has finally reversed illegal immigration as our platform has promised.
The Washington Post and many other news publications proclaim, "For the first time since Depression, more Mexicans leave U.S. than enter."
Five years ago, ALIPAC added two articles to our 4 point platform titled, "How To Reverse Illegal Immigration in America," and, "Why The Illegals Must Go." We pointed out to you that our research of local enforcement efforts and past efforts to control illegal immigration in the 1930's and 1950's showed that the perception of increased immigration law enforcement would lead to a reversal of this invasion. The evidence that we have reached this point is now coming in from numerous directions and sources across the political spectrum.
Of course, many Americans reading this report will scoff at this if they are located in the major illegal immigration disaster areas like Southern California, where the illegals still dominate. The illegal immigration high water mark may be receding and the reports of jobs once dominated by illegals opening up for Americans in states like South Carolina are encouraging to us.
We believe we have the illegal aliens on the run, and it is time to charge and to take advantage of this turn in the battle.
If Americans respond to the favorable battle news by going back to sleep instead of routing our enemies out then our defense against this invasion will fail. It is important for all of you to stay motivated, focused, and organized regardless of which way this battle for America teeters at any particular time.
ALIPAC has more unique, unexpected, and effective strategies that we have yet to release. They are coming soon, but we need more support and more supporters to have the type of impact we need.
Get on our e-mail alerts. Get others to join our e-mail alerts. Read each alert carefully and respond to each alert as fully as possible.
ALIPAC has been quoted in the national media three times in the last week alone, proving that all efforts by illegal alien supporters to silence us have failed. Their defamation and smear campaigns have failed to contain us. Their hacker attacks and threats have failed to slow us down. Their financial advantage and control of the media will not stop the political revolution brewing in America against these corrupt elites who are trying to throw the people of America out of power in our own nation with their imported replacements.
Please make sure you review our candidate endorsements. Locate the endorsed campaigns closest to you and vote for them, donate to them, and volunteer to help them. Rally around the candidates who stand with We The People of America against this corporation sponsored illegal alien invasion of our homeland.
Time to rally Americans! Let's get these illegal aliens and the politicians who support them on the run forevermore!
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
April 25, 2012
Citizen activists committed to defending American jobs, taxpayer resources, sovereignty, and lives are issuing a call today. More Americans are needed to get involved in efforts to spread Arizona's and Alabama's state level illegal immigration 'enforcement only' legislation to every state in America if the US Supreme Court does rule in favor of Arizona's SB 1070.
The US Supreme Court takes up the case of Arizona's historic legislation, which is designed to mirror existing federal laws dealing with illegal immigration. The Obama administration, the nation of Mexico, and a constellation of illegal alien sponsoring nations have sued to stop Arizona from allowing local police to enforce immigration law. This measure is supported by 81% of Americans according to a Zogby America Poll conducted in 2005. Only 14% of Americans disagree according to the poll.
Two recent polls show overwhelming support for state level immigration enforcement and Arizona's historic illegal immigration fighting laws even after the biased global corporate media has attacked the law and the law's backers viciously for the past two years. Still, after two years of siege by dictator Barack Obama, MSNBC, CBS, and most of the liberal daily newspapers like the New York Times and Los Angeles Times, the new polls show America stands strong behind Arizona.
Power To The People
Rasmussen Reports found back in February of 2011 that 67% of Americans say states should be able to enforce immigration laws if the feds are not. Just 22% disagree (3 to 1 margin). Eighty-seven percent (87%) of Republicans and 74% of voters not affiliated with either major party say states should have the right to enforce immigration laws if they believe the federal government is not doing the job.
Daily Caller headlines announced this week that "Americans overwhelmingly support the Arizona immigration law" in response to the new Quinnipiac University poll released April 20, 2012, which asked 2,577 registered voters nationwide whether they support Arizona’s immigration law, S.B. 1070, passed in 2010. Sixty-eight percent of respondents said they approved of the law while 27 percent said they disapproved of it.
A Fox News poll, also released on April 20, shows 65 percent of voters favor the controversial law, while 31 percent oppose it.
Get In Formation With American Defenders
ALIPAC is asking American citizens who are concerned about illegal immigration to join our e-mail alerts list at Help us saturate all state level lawmakers with copies of these poll results along with encouragement and political support for each state to follow the lead of the illegal immigration crackdown legislation recently passed in Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, Utah, Indiana and South Carolina.
While the Supreme Court may not rule on Arizona's law until this summer, we need more support for our 40,000 national supporters, who are engaged in this issue. Our e-mail alerts combined with our Facebook and Twitter posts are how we organize Americans into successful strategies against illegal immigration and Amnesty.
It is time to prime the political pump in expectation of a favorable ruling from the US Supreme Court. We can only hope and pray that the the court remains immune to the globalist financial interests that have so many traitorous politicians supporting the illegal alien invasion of America above the needs and desires of American citizens. Each activist needs to know the full contact information for their state representatives, how to communicate with every state lawmaker in their state, and how to go ahead and make contact sharing this polling information.
Would the US Supreme Court dare to slight 68% of the American populace by siding with Obama and Mexico against the citizens and the U.S. Constitution they serve? We hope not.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC was the first national organization to call for citizen activists to begin spreading the news about Arizona's law to other states. We launched this strategy when Arizona came under attack. We helped defend Arizona, create multiple targets for the Obama administration to address, and to get the illegal aliens on the run from as many states as possible.
While this strategy was initially successful and ALIPAC played a strong role in helping to pass enhanced versions of Arizona's law in several other states, momentum has stalled in the last 6 months as many states have taken a wait and see posture regarding the US Supreme Court ruling on this matter.
We are now preparing for rapid advance across the nation if the supremes go our way. California, Texas, Florida, help is on the way!
The Illegal Aliens Are Fleeing America
Current news reports and studies released this week indicate that our efforts at ALIPAC as part of a the broader immigration enforcement political movement in America, combined with these new state laws and combined with the poor US economy, has finally reversed illegal immigration as our platform has promised.
The Washington Post and many other news publications proclaim, "For the first time since Depression, more Mexicans leave U.S. than enter."
Five years ago, ALIPAC added two articles to our 4 point platform titled, "How To Reverse Illegal Immigration in America," and, "Why The Illegals Must Go." We pointed out to you that our research of local enforcement efforts and past efforts to control illegal immigration in the 1930's and 1950's showed that the perception of increased immigration law enforcement would lead to a reversal of this invasion. The evidence that we have reached this point is now coming in from numerous directions and sources across the political spectrum.
Of course, many Americans reading this report will scoff at this if they are located in the major illegal immigration disaster areas like Southern California, where the illegals still dominate. The illegal immigration high water mark may be receding and the reports of jobs once dominated by illegals opening up for Americans in states like South Carolina are encouraging to us.
We believe we have the illegal aliens on the run, and it is time to charge and to take advantage of this turn in the battle.
If Americans respond to the favorable battle news by going back to sleep instead of routing our enemies out then our defense against this invasion will fail. It is important for all of you to stay motivated, focused, and organized regardless of which way this battle for America teeters at any particular time.
ALIPAC has more unique, unexpected, and effective strategies that we have yet to release. They are coming soon, but we need more support and more supporters to have the type of impact we need.
Get on our e-mail alerts. Get others to join our e-mail alerts. Read each alert carefully and respond to each alert as fully as possible.
ALIPAC has been quoted in the national media three times in the last week alone, proving that all efforts by illegal alien supporters to silence us have failed. Their defamation and smear campaigns have failed to contain us. Their hacker attacks and threats have failed to slow us down. Their financial advantage and control of the media will not stop the political revolution brewing in America against these corrupt elites who are trying to throw the people of America out of power in our own nation with their imported replacements.
Please make sure you review our candidate endorsements. Locate the endorsed campaigns closest to you and vote for them, donate to them, and volunteer to help them. Rally around the candidates who stand with We The People of America against this corporation sponsored illegal alien invasion of our homeland.
Time to rally Americans! Let's get these illegal aliens and the politicians who support them on the run forevermore!
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