Thursday, December 25, 2014

Retired NYPD Officer''s Letter To Mayor

Don’t know if you saw Warren Wilhelm’s (AKA Bill DiBlasio) speech last night. He rambled on about racism; how the cops needed to be re-trained; how Erick Garner, New York’s own version of the Gentle Giant was a “Good Man”; how he mourns for his 6 children; and how he FEARS for his son, Dante… 
Really Bill???? 
Let’s dissect a few of the ridiculous talking points you made to 
massage the Ghetto Trash who put you in office, and your ‘Co-mayor’, Al Charlatan. Erick Garner was NOT a good man. He was a career criminal with 30 arrests under his more than ample belt. How did he support those 6 kids? Did he have a job?  What was his visible means of support besides criminal activity and public assistance? I believe that these are questions that NEED to be asked! 
He resisted arrest for the last time the day he died.  He died NOT 
because of a choke hold, but because he weighed 400 pounds due to a lifetime eating pork rinds and chitins. He had a bad heart, was 
diabetic, and had asthma. Let’s stop with the bullshit nonsense of 
choke holds. O.K. Bill????  This turd was a Big Mack away from a heart attack! 
Let’s stop with the race card. I know that Sharpton has his hand up 
your ass and controls you like the clown hand puppet that you are; but let’s also dissect this fallacious claim: 
The BLACK Precinct Commander ordered Garner to be locked up because of the plethora of complaints from minority shop owners who’s shops he was plying his illegals trade in front of. The Supervising Sergeant at the scene was a BLACK female. I think your claim of this vast racist conspiracy can be thrown out. That fat tub of shit died over an hour later at the hospital.  So, “IF” he had been choked to death as all the idiots are claiming, he would have been dead on the sidewalk! 
You lamented that Garner died because he was selling cigarettes. Well, Billy Boy, YOU’RE the Mayor. Why didn’t you have the Untaxed Cigarette Statute taken off the books?  Why didn’t you instruct your media whore Bratton to tell the cops to stop enforcing that law?  Because of you, making about $6.00 in assorted taxes on each pack, that’s why.  I guess you have some of Garner’s blood on our hands too! 
As for the fears you have for Dante, besides having his own racist, 
Gestapo police bodyguards, (guess the cops are O.K. when they are doing YOUR Bidding…) all you had to do is be a good father and tell your son NOT to be a criminal, not to engage in criminal or 
anti-social behavior, and IF stopped by the Police, cooperate and 
follow instructions.  IF he does that, they won’t harm a hair on his 
Why not admit what you, Big Al, Ovomit, and his boot licking yes man Holder REALLY MEAN is that you want to cut the balls off the police and make them nothing but speed bumps for your constituents: criminals, ghetto trash, welfare queens, drug dealers, and the rest of your vast Obama voting block?! 
You’re a fraud and a DISAGRACE to the Office of Mayor of NY.  Any cop who goes out there and aggressively does his job is out of his mind. My advice to them is to be just a responder and report- taker; go home safe at night. NOTHING you do is right or appreciated. I had to get this off my chest; because I CANNOT stomach the BULLSHIT that’s being spewed by the media 24 x 7! 
Dennis J. Fitzgerald 
NJ Shore 10-13 
  I love this country; it's the current government leadership I worry about!
What have we as a country become……… How far have we fallen?

Al Sharpton Has Cleaned Up His Appearance But The Dirt Can’t Be Washed Off | Pocket Full Of Liberty

Al Sharpton Has Cleaned Up His Appearance But The Dirt Can’t Be Washed Off | Pocket Full Of Liberty

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Things I've Learned

1. I've learned ... that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
2. I've learned ... that when you're in love, it shows.
3. I've learned ... that just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.
4. I've learned ... that I feel better about myself when I make others feel better about themselves.
5. I've learned ... that having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
6. I've learned ... that what we have done for ourselves alone dies with us.
What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
7. I've learned ... that one sincere apology is worth more than all the
roses money can buy. If you practice you'll have to do less of this.
8. I've learned ... that words harshly spoken are as difficult to retrieve as feathers in a gale.
9. I've learned ... that being kind is more important than being right.
10. I've learned ... that you should never say no to a gift from a child.
11. I've learned ... that I can always pray for someone when I don't have
the strength to help him in some other way.
12. I've learned ... that no matter how serious your life requires you to
be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
13. I've learned ... that sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to hear.
14. I've learned ... that the things that I judge, are done by people just like me.
15. I've learned ... that simple walks with my father around the block on
summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.
16. I've learned ... that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
17. I've learned ... that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
18. I've learned ... that money doesn't buy class.
19. I've learned ... that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
20. I've learned ... that once a relationship is over, if you experienced
more smiles than tears, then it wasn't a waste of time.
21. I've learned ... that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants
to be appreciated and loved.
22. I've learned ... never to humiliate another person. Always give him an
honourable way to back down or out of something and still save face.
23. I've learned ... that even the Lord didn't do it all in one day so what makes me think I can?
24. I've learned ... that if you are still
talking about what you did yesterday, you haven't done much today.
25. I've learned ... that to ignore the facts does not change them.
26. I've learned ... that when you plan to
get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
27. I've learned ... that it is best to give
advice in only two circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a
life-threatening situation.
28. I've learned ... that a good friend is the one who tells you how you
really look in your jeans.
29. I've learned ... that the less time I have
to work with, the more things I get done.
30. and...mostly, I've learned that I have good friends

Black Progression and Retrogression - Walter Williams

Black Progression and Retrogression - Walter Williams

All Life Matters: Jahi McMath's Journey - Michelle Malkin

All Life Matters: Jahi McMath's Journey - Michelle Malkin

Michael Ramirez - The "Pied Dividers"

Michael Ramirez

Thursday, December 11, 2014

andrews christmas lights

Some Interesting Information on Enhanced Interrogation

Michael Ramirez - Obamacare and Religion

Michael Ramirez

The other America - Victor Davis Hanson

The other America - Victor Davis Hanson

Crippling Children By Selling Them Racism - Larry Elder

Crippling Children By Selling Them Racism - Larry Elder

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Left's Tactics --- a Personal Example - Dennis Prager

The Left's Tactics --- a Personal Example - Dennis Prager

Voter Fraud and Voter I.D. - Thomas Sowell

Voter Fraud and Voter I.D. - Thomas Sowell

Michael Ramirez - Coyote Ugly Election

Michael Ramirez

Against Obama, But for What?

By Patrick J. Buchanan
After billions in attack ads that turned the approval ratings of almost every candidate, in both parties, upside down, Republicans appear primed to take control of Congress.
Why are Democrats falling like dominoes?
Easy. Theirs is the Party of Government. And government is failing. And their leader Obama projects diffidence and incompetence.
National surveys also show that large majorities believe America is heading in the wrong direction, that our children will not have it as good as we did, and that the United States is in a long-term decline.
Measuring the performance of Obama against the promise, America is voting for another change in leadership and direction.
But where does she wish to go? And whom does she wish to lead her? The country is voting against Obama, but voting for what?
The new majority leader is likely to be Mitch McConnell, who is about as popular as Harry Reid. The Republican Party that will take power is less well-regarded than the Democratic Party losing it.
What America is voting against is easier to discern than what she is voting for. Consider. Who speaks for a victorious GOP today?
The principal foreign policy voices in the new Senate will be Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Tennessee’s Bob Corker, who is slated to become chairman of foreign relations. All are interventionists; all are hawks.
But are the American people really voting to send arms to Kiev, to confront Russia in Ukraine, to commit to a forever-war to “degrade and ultimately defeat” the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria?
Does the country really want a clash with Iran over its nuclear enrichment program?
If so, the GOP should return to Washington and in the lame-duck session authorize Obama to take us to war with the Islamic State.
My sense: A victorious GOP would prefer to take a pass on that.
At its core the Republican Party is socially conservative, a family values party. The party champions right-to-life and opposes same-sex marriage and legalized marijuana.
How many Republicans ran on these issues this fall?
How many will be advancing this social agenda in Congress? How many cultural warriors are left in the GOP, when even the pope is calling for a truce in the culture wars?
Yet if the GOP is no longer united on foreign policy and social issues, surely they are as one on lower taxes and smaller government.
But are they really?
Certainly, even liberals must see from the inversion epidemic — U.S. companies buying up foreign firms to change residence and nationality — that having the highest corporate tax rate is economic suicide.
But is the Republican Party so committed to a balanced budget that Congress will slash spending to match cuts in tax rates and tax revenues?
And, if so, where does the GOP propose cuts?
Social SecurityMedicareMedicaid and defense are the big budget items. Is the GOP ready to cap or cut these?
Will the GOP go after education, housing, income security or food stamps, with Obama accusing them of pillaging theprograms of the working and middle class while protecting Wall Street and the 1 percent?
Today’s vote, as the Washington Post’s Dan Balz writes, is “an election about rejection,” the rejection of Obama’s leadership after six years of his presidency.
It is a referendum on Barack, and he is losing it. But it is not a vote of affirmation. It is not a vote of confidence in the party of McConnell and John Boehner. And it is no mandate.
It is America’s choice between undesirables.
America is saying: We do not like either of you. But we cannot keep going the way we have been going. We have to change. And the Republican Party is the only one on the ballot that appears to offer that.
When the returns come in, the mainstream media will declare that the country wants the Republican Party to work with President Obama to end the gridlock. Nonsense. If that is what America wanted, the country would have voted Democratic.
A Nancy Pelosi House and Reid-led Senate, with Obama in the Oval Office, would bring an instant end to gridlock. But instead of voting for a Congress to help Obama end gridlock, it will vote to augment the forces of those who have promised to checkmate him.
The country, in short, will vote today — for gridlock.
In a democracy, people get the kind of government they deserve.
The American people are today a deeply divided people — on ideology, politics, faith, morality, race, culture. Americans today — and not for the first time — do not really like each other.
As that is who we are, we will get that kind of Congress. And that is the kind of government we will have, until one half of the nation triumphs decisively over the other, as happened in 1932 and in 1980.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

AMAC - Better for you, Better for America. - AMAC, Inc.

AMAC - Better for you, Better for America. - AMAC, Inc.

I am quite certain that you all have heard of AARP and all of the benefits they offer.  What AARP actually is is a PAC for liberals.  Membership fees are low, but misguided if, in fact, you are a conservative such as myself.  AMAC is the alternative, has great benefits and is representative of the conservative folks like myself and many of you.

Uncle Thom Tillis Is My Cousin

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Oklahoma State Rep calls Islam a Cancer, then

Oklahoma State Rep calls Islam a Cancer, then

Secede from the Kingdom of O | The Black Sphere | | The Black Sphere |

Secede from the Kingdom of O | The Black Sphere | | The Black Sphere |

Illegal Aliens Sue U.S. for Returning Child to Guatemala

Illegal Aliens Sue U.S. for Returning Child to Guatemala

A Basket of Snakes

A Basket of Snakes

By Patrick J. Buchanan
“Once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end.
“War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.”
So said Gen. MacArthur in some of the wisest counsel the old soldier ever gave his countrymen.
Yet, “prolonged indecision” would seem the essence of the war the president has begun to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State.
For, following only one night of bombing in Syria, Gen. Bill Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs, asked to estimate how long this new war would last, replied: “I would think of it in terms of years.”
“Years,” the general said.
Yet, though we are already heavily into bombing, the president has no congressional authorization for this war in Syria.
Even Republicans are leery of voting for a war in Syria before the November elections. A third of the House GOP voted no to arming and training the Syrian rebels. The Democrats are even more wary.
And how are we going to “destroy” ISIS when Obama has ruled out U.S. combat troops and not one NATO or Arab ally has offered to send combat troops?
Consider Turkey. With its 400,000-man army, 1,000 planes, 3,600 tanks, 3,000 artillery pieces and self-propelled guns, the Turks, the largest military power in the Middle East, could make hash of the Islamic State.
Why have they not done so?
Because Turkish President Erdogan detests President Assad of Syria and has looked the other way as volunteers, including Turks, have crossed his border into Syria to join ISIS.
Up until now, this NATO ally has been a silent partner of ISIS. And, even now, Ankara has not volunteered to fight the Islamic State.
For Turkey is predominantly Sunni, and many Sunni see the Islamic State as a ruthless but effective ally against a Shia threat represented by Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus and Hezbollah.
If the Turkish army is not going to intervene in Syria against ISIS, and if Obama has ruled out U.S. boots on the ground in Iraq or Syria, where will the soldiers come from to dislodge the Islamic State from the Indiana-sized territory it has seized?
The Kurds can hold Erbil with U.S. air support. Iraq’s regime, backed by its Shia militias, can hold Baghdad. But can the Iraqi army retake Fallujah, Mosul or Anbar, from which they so recently ran away?
Who are the major fighting forces in Syria who have for years been holding the line against ISIS? Answer: the Syrian army, Hezbollah troops from Lebanon, and Iranians, backed by Putin’s Russia.
Denouncing the Islamic State for its beheadings of the two Americans and one British aid worker, Obama declared at the U.N.:
“There can be no reasoning — no negotiation — with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. So the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death.”
Strong words, some of the strongest our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president has used in six years.
Yet, for three years, it has been NATO ally Turkey and Arab allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar who have been clandestinely aiding this “network of death.” And it has been Assad, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia that have been resisting this “network of death.”
A year ago, the American people rose up to demand that Obama and John Kerry keep us out of Syria’s civil war, specifically, that they not carry out their threats to bomb the army of Bashar Assad.
Had it not been for Assad, Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia, the network of death Obama, rightly excoriated from that U.N. podium, might by now be establishing its caliphate, not in Raqqa but Damascus.
Before we go any deeper into Syria, Congress needs to be called back to debate and vote on whether to authorize this new war.
For this war against the Islamic State seems, for some in that blood-soaked region, not so much to be a war of good against evil, but the first of several wars they want America to fight.
For them, the Islamic State is to be destroyed by the Americans. Then the Assad regime is to be brought down by the Americans. Then Iran is to be smashed by the Americans. Everyone in the Middle East seems to have in mind some new war for the Americans to fight.
How many such wars are in our vital interests?
While, undeniably, the Islamic State has shown itself beyond the pale with its beheading of innocents and its massacres of soldiers who have surrendered, let us not forget that our allies abetted these monsters, while adversaries we have designated as terrorists and state sponsors of terror were fighting them.
Lord Palmerston had a point when he said Great Britain has no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.
Those interests should determine our policy.