Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Here Are The Top 99 #NeverTrump Republicans Everyone Needs To Know
SPREAD THIS LIST: Here Are The Top 99
#NeverTrump Republicans Everyone Needs To
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If you want to see just how delusional the #NeverTrump squad is, all you need to do is watch — or rather, listen to —
Sen. Ted Cruz’s concession speech in Indiana when he withdrew from the race.
Cruz was mutedly telling the audience that he said he would push forward until he was convinced there was no viable
path forward. As soon as the word “Unfortunately …” escaped his lips, though, the crowd shrieked “no!” as if they’d all
just watched Ivanka Trump gun down their dog.
Apparently, the democratic process and the will of the people is a hard pill to swallow for the #NeverTrump crowd,
which is why they’ve been riding the wahmbulance pretty hard this week. And while some Republicans have come to
their senses and gotten behind The Donald, there’s still a pretty strong contingent of major conservative figures for
whom President Hillary Clinton is apparently an easier concept to accept than reality.
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WND assembled a list of nearly 100 of them who are still hitting the #NeverTrump cause hard. Some of them are
unsurprising. Sen. Lindsey Graham, for instance, leads off the list. Radio hosts Mark Levin and Glenn Beck, both of
whom have been vocal opponents of Trump, are there too.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, RS.C.
Rep. Justin Amash, RMich.
Gov. Charlie Baker, RMass.
Brian Bartlett, former Mitt Romney aide and GOP communications strategist
Glenn Beck, radio host
Michael Berry, radio host
Max Boot, former foreign policy adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio, RFla.
Brent Bozell, conservative activist
Bruce Carroll, creator GayPatriot.org
Jay Caruso, RedState
Mona Charen, senior fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center
Linda Chavez, columnist
Dean Clancy, former FreedomWorks vice president
Eliot Cohen, former George W. Bush official
Former Sen. Norm Coleman, RMinn.
Charles C. W. Cooke, writer for National Review
Doug Coon, Stay Right podcast
Rory Cooper, GOP strategist, managing director Purple Strategies
Jim Cunneen, former Calif. assemblyman
Rep. Carlos Curbelo, RFla.
Steve Deace, radio host
Rep. Bob Dold, RIll.
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Erick Erickson, writer
Mindy Finn, president, Empowered Women
David French, writer at National Review
Jon Gabriel, editorinchief, Ricochet.com
Michael Graham, radio host
Jonah Goldberg, writer
Alan Goldsmith, former staffer, House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Stephen Gutowski, writer for the Washington Free Beacon
Rep. Richard Hanna, RN.Y.
Jamie Brown Hantman, former special assistant for legislative affairs for President George W. Bush
Stephen Hayes, senior writer at The Weekly Standard
Doug Heye, former RNC communications director
Quin Hillyer, contributing editor at National Review Online; senior editor at the American Spectator
Ben Howe, RedState writer
Former Rep. Bob Inglis, RS.C.
Cheri Jacobus, GOP consultant and former Hill columnist
Robert Kagan, former Reagan official
Randy Kendrick, GOP megadonor
Matt Kibbe, former FreedomWorks CEO
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, RIll.
Philip Klein, managing editor at the Washington Examiner
Bill Kristol, The Weekly Standard editor
Mark Levin, radio host
Justin LoFranco, former Scott Walker aide
Kevin Madden, former Mitt Romney aide
Bethany Mandel, senior contributor at The Federalist
Tucker Martin, communications director to former Gov. Bob McDonnell, RVa.
Former RNC Chairman Mel Martínez
Liz Mair, GOP strategist
Lachlan Markey, writer for the Free Beacon
David McIntosh, Club for Growth president
Dan McLaughlin, editor at RedState.com
Ken Mehlman, former RNC chairman
Tim Miller, Our Principles PAC
Joyce Mulliken, former Washington state senator
Ted Newton, political consultant & former Mitt Romney aide
James Nuzzo, former White House aide
Katie Packer, chairwoman of Our Principles PAC
Former Gov. George Pataki, RN.Y.
Former Rep. Ron Paul, RTexas
Katie Pavlich, Townhall editor and Hill columnist
Brittany Pounders, conservative writer
Rep. Reid Ribble, RWisc.
The Ricketts family, GOP megadonors
Former Gov. Tom Ridge, RPa.
Rep. Scott Rigell, RVa.
Mitt Romney, 2012 GOP presidential nominee
Paul Rosenzweig, former deputy assistant secretary, Department of Homeland Security
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Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post conservative blogger
Patrick Ruffini, partner, Echelon Insights
Sarah Rumpf, former Breitbart contributor
Mark Salter, writer and former aide to Sen. John McCain
Rep. Mark Sanford, RS.C.
Sen. Ben Sasse, R Neb.
Elliott Schwartz, Our Principles PAC
Gabriel Schoenfeld, senior fellow, Hudson Institute
Tara Setmayer, CNN analyst and former GOP staffer
Ben Shapiro, editorinchief The Daily Wire
Evan Siegfried, GOP strategist and commentator
Ben Stein, actor and political commentator
Brendan Steinhauser, GOP consultant
Stuart Stevens, former Romney strategist
Paul Singer, GOP megadonor
Erik Soderstrom, former field director for Carly Fiorina
Charlie Sykes, radio host
Brad Thor, writer
Michael R. Treiser, former Mitt Romney aide
Daniel P. Vajdich, former national security adviser to Ted Cruz
Connor Walsh, former digital director for former Rep. Eric Cantor, RVa., founder Build Digital
Former Rep. J.C. Watts, ROkla.
Peter Wehner, New York Times contributor
Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, RN.J.
George Will, writer
Rick Wilson, Republican strategist
Nathan Wurtzel, Make America Awesome superPAC
Bill Yarbrough, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio
Dave Yost, Ohio auditor of state
These are all #NeverTrump people who believe that the guy they didn’t want to get the GOP nomination losing the
general election is more important than keeping Hillary Clinton from keeping from becoming president.
It’s time that we put pressure on them and let them know that if they don’t stand by the Republican nominee this time,
they can hardly call themselves Republicans.
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