Monday, August 28, 2017

Brent Bozell: The Trump Hating GOP Congress Is Committing Suicide

Brent Bozell: The Trump Hating GOP Congress Is Committing Suicide

Newt Gingrich: What the Media’s Not Telling You About Trump’s Approval Rating

Newt Gingrich: What the Media’s Not Telling You About Trump’s Approval Rating

Sarah Palin Is Back And President Trump Couldn’t Be Happier

Sarah Palin Is Back And President Trump Couldn’t Be Happier: Sarah Palin has made an endorsement in the Republican primary election in Nevada’s upcoming Senate election. She will be backing attorney and businessman Danny Tarkanian to replace Senator Dean Hel…

Vladimir Putin threatens Belarus - Jed Babbin

Vladimir Putin threatens Belarus

Donald Trump must save the Republicans — and Congress — from themselves

Donald Trump must save the Republicans — and Congress — from themselves

The Fire And Fury Of Presidents - Victor Davis Hanson

The Fire And Fury Of Presidents - Victor Davis Hanson

Michael Ramirez - ACLU

Michael Ramirez


Under President Trump, justice is right-side up again.
We saw this clearly with the president’s statements on Charlottesville, condemning the hate and violence “on many sides,” his calling-out of the alt-left, and the media’s excusing and ignoring of leftist violence. The media still think their illusion of “racism” has power over a man of truth like Donald Trump, so they’re still lying and claiming he did not condemn so-called “white supremacists,” and they’re still covering for hate-filled Antifa and Black Lives Matter. But their time is up, because we have a real man in charge.
We see the return of justice all the more with the president’s pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, a good man who’s been under attack by un-American leftist liars from President Obama’s administration to the mainstream media to the ACLU. Those in power the previous eight years (and more) believe in fake things like “racism” and don’t care about the law, nor about what’s right. Thankfully, we don’t have to see a man who’s lived a life of service to the American people destroyed by wicked liberals.
Sheriff Joe tweeted a “thank you” to President Trump “for seeing my conviction for what it is: a political witch hunt by holdovers in the Obama justice department!” Everyone should note that RINO Sen. John McCain, who hates President Trump and hates good, decried the pardon of Sheriff Joe. Evil is being revealed as good is being lifted up.
Speaking of justice, I am truly heartened to see the rise of my friend and hero, Judge Roy Moore, in his race for U.S. Senate for my hometown state of Alabama. Over the years, Judge Moore has faced attack after attack by godless liberals for his stance defending the Ten Commandments monument, his rejection of the unconstitutional so-called “same-sex marriage” decision and so much else. I remember how he destroyed CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s phony arguments attempting to force “same-sex marriage” into Alabama. I met with Judge Moore for an hour, and he had a wealth of knowledge on the law and Constitution, but he explained things so simply that even a simple man like me could understand. Because Roy Moore is a man of character and consistency, the good people of the South love and support him, and so do I.
Compare these solid men: President Trump, Sheriff Joe, Judge Moore and many others who’ve stood up for good, including Sheriff David Clarke – contrast them with the dirty, trashy people who the children of the lie have lifted up: Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and even John McCain. The latter don’t care about good, or what’s right. They have only hatred in their hearts and false accusations to malign good men and deceive people who lack wisdom and character.
Maxine Waters was honored by the shallow, morally bankrupt BET’s “Black Girls Rock” awards, where they love their “blackness” more than they love God (even though most blacks pretend to be Christians), and they hate real men like President Trump more than God hates sin. When “Auntie Maxine” received her award, she gave an empty promise to “impeach” the president and called herself a “strong black woman.” She’s not going to impeach the president, and she’s not a “strong” person at all – she’s a shameless liberal woman who loves abortion and hates and exploits blind black people. But the blacks cheered, applauded and ate up her lies. It is so unfortunate.
Similarly, former Speaker Pelosi, former Secretary Clinton and former POW John McCain are struggling to remain relevant in these times of renewal for America. The media, who love lies, continue to give these washed-up politicians a platform, as together they grow more deluded. If they cared about their souls and about America, they would repent and forgive those they hate, stop pushing evil, and stop trying to fight the president in his mission of making America great again. They don’t want the country to be great again. They hate good so much that they are willing to destroy themselves and others to stop good from winning.
I am loving these times. As good comes out in the open, so does evil. I don’t mind evil being evil, because that is evil’s job. In this world, you will have trials. But it is so refreshing to see good men return the country to good, as the president is doing, as Joe Arpaio has done, and as I trust Judge Moore will continue to do, if and when he wins his Senate seat.
I truly hope the younger generation watches and learns from these men’s example. I am happy to see young white men and others standing up again, but they must do it in the right way – without anger. Only by not hating your enemy will you see clearly how to defeat evil. As always, I urge you to pray, to forgive your own mothers and fathers who let you down in one way or another, and to aim for perfection as you fight for your souls and for the country.

Friday, August 18, 2017

1938 and 2015: Only the Names Are Different - Dennis Prager

1938 and 2015: Only the Names Are Different - Dennis Prager

A Historic Catastrophe - Thomas Sowell

A Historic Catastrophe - Thomas Sowell

The deadly impact of identity politics - Tammy Bruce

The deadly impact of identity politics - Tammy Bruce

The Group That Got Ignored in Charlottesville - Ben Shapiro

The Group That Got Ignored in Charlottesville - Ben Shapiro

Women and Men Are Equal - Walter Williams

Women and Men Are Equal - Walter Williams

Where Is the Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter? - Michelle Malkin

Where Is the Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter? - Michelle Malkin

Ramirez - Venezuela

Ramirez - Barcelona

Monday, August 14, 2017

Let Virginia Prosecute the Charlottesville Terrorism By Andrew C. McCarthy — August 14, 2017

Let Virginia Prosecute the Charlottesville Terrorism
Domestic acts of violent crime are typically the purview of the states, not the feds.

The Charlottesville driver isn't the only one who should lawyer up - Hugh Hewitt

The Charlottesville driver isn't the only one who should lawyer up - Hugh Hewitt


Monday, August 7, 2017

Lyin' Democrats use illegal immigration to destroy America - Jesse Lee Peterson

Liberal Democrats are at war with President Donald Trump.
They are preparing to sue the Trump administration over the president’s latest attempt to punish “sanctuary cities” that harbor illegal aliens.
Last month, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned that cities that do not assist federal immigration agents seeking to deport illegals would no longer receive funding.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra – along with other California city and county attorneys – is considering suing the Justice Department to stop the funds from being taken away from sanctuary cities and states. California was allocated nearly $18 million under a grant program in 2017.
Obama crony Rahm Emanuel also announced that Chicago is going to sue the Trump Justice Department over its new sanctuary city rules. Chicago has had more than 400 homicides this year and is on pace to surpass last year’s death toll. Yet, Emanuel is putting the Democratic Party and his selfish political aspirations over the safety of Chicago’s black residents. Shameful!
Democrats want America overrun by hordes of illegal aliens that don’t share our Christian values. They’re enticing them with handouts in exchange for their vote in the future. This is the same way they seduced black Americans. It’s all about power and votes for the Democratic Party.
This was evident on a recent forum I participated in at Politicon. I appeared on an immigration panel titled, “Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall.” Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif.; Hector Villagra, executive director of the ACLU of Southern California; Julissa Arce, CNBC and Huffington Post contributor; and Vann Newkirk, writer for the Atlantic, joined me on the panel. Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball was the moderator.
The panel was stacked with four highly educated and intellectual liberals. I was the lone conservative. Even the moderator was liberal and pro-illegal immigration.
During our discussion, Hector Villagra of the ACLU and others made the bogus claim that there is a direct connection between the prison industry complex and law enforcement going after illegal aliens. I told the sly Villagra that the ACLU is un-American and all it does is lie!
I asked Villagra if he was troubled that law-abiding black Americans are being adversely affected by the influx of illegal aliens. He refused to answer.
Moderator Krystal Ball allowed the liberal panelists to personally attack me, but when I defended myself, she repeatedly interrupted.
All the liberals on the panel said a border wall is “too expensive” and “ineffective.” I made the point that illegals are receiving more food stamps and handouts than ever before. Therefore, we should stop paying for illegals and put that money toward securing the border. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR, illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers $113 billion a year!
Julissa Arce and the moderator agreed with me that we need to know who is coming into the country, but Julissa said building a wall won’t keep us safe because people will still find ways to come in illegally.
Liberals claim a border wall won’t keep out criminal aliens, yet they have no problem putting up walls around their homes to secure their properties. So I asked Julissa and the rest of the panel whether they have walls around their homes. They refused to answer.
Krystal Ball said illegal immigration is good for America, including blacks. The elitism, dishonesty and callousness that these liberals showed for American citizens and the law are shocking. They intentionally blur the lines between legal and illegal immigration. I told them, unlike liberals, I don’t lie. And I made the point that we’re talking about illegal, not legal, immigration.
Democrat Ted Lieu and ACLU’s Hector Villagra said illegals commit fewer crimes than natural-born citizens. I called them out on their lies.
The Heritage Foundation reported that the Government Accountability Office released two shocking reports in 2005 on criminal aliens who are in prison for committing crimes in the U.S. and issued an updated report in 2011. The first report shows that non-citizens commit federal crimes at three times the rate of citizens. The second report was even more disturbing.
Rep. Lieu openly admitted that the goal of Democrats is to get new immigrants registered to vote. I told the audience the reason most immigrants end up voting Democrat is because the party seduces them with taxpayer-funded handouts and Obama phones!
Hector Villagra claimed Obama was the “deporter in chief.” Again, I told him he was wrong, wrong, wrong! And that he was a dishonest man.
The Obama administration did not deport large numbers of illegals from the U.S. interior. It fudged the numbers by counting illegals turned away at or near the border by ICE as deportations – typical liberal deception.
Despite the Democrats’ lies, Trump’s leadership is making America great again. Republicans in Congress recently introduced bills that would put tens of billions of dollars toward completing a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Trump is making gang eradication a priority. He is urging Attorney General Jeff Sessions to get real tough with vicious illegal-alien criminal organizations like MS-13.
Securing the border is a top priority for this president. Republicans must fight with him and follow through on their campaign promise to stop the illegal invasion.